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Kore Hikoha

  • Maki Oxygen Disposable With Reservoir Bag (Kore-Rebreathing Oxygen Mask me te ngongo)

    Maki Oxygen Disposable With Reservoir Bag (Kore-Rebreathing Oxygen Mask me te ngongo)

    Tirohanga Nga Taipitopito Tere Wahi o te Takenga: Jiangsu, Haina Ingoa Waitohu: Kangjinchen Tauira Tauira: KJC-1203 Disinfecting Momo: EOS Properties: Nga Taonga Hauora & Nga Taonga Rahi: te pakeke Rahi L Stock: Ae Shelf Life: 5 tau Rauemi: Tiwhikete Tiwhikete Kounga PVC : ce Whakaraupapa taputapu: Class I Paerewa haumaru: Kore he tae: matomato/ma Tiwhikete: CE/ISO13485 Sterile: EO Gas Sterile Tubing roa: 2.0/2.1m R...
  • Nasal Oxygen Cannula 2.1m 7ft/2.6m 9ft

    Nasal Oxygen Cannula 2.1m 7ft/2.6m 9ft

    Tirohanga Nga Taipitopito Tere Wahi o te Takenga: Jiangsu, Haina Ingoa Waitohu: Kangjinchen Tauira Tauira: KJC-3101 Momo Disinfecting: EOS Properties: Nga Taonga Hauora me te Rahi: L Pakeke Pakeke: Ae Shelf Life: 5 tau Rauemi: Kounga hauora PVC Tiwhikete Kounga: ce Whakar roa: 2.1 7ft/2.6m 9ft Whakaahuatanga Hua DISPOSABLE NASAL...
  • Maki Oxygen Disposable Me te Tubing (Rahi Paerewa Pakeke L )

    Maki Oxygen Disposable Me te Tubing (Rahi Paerewa Pakeke L )

    Tirohanga Nga Taipitopito Tere Wahi o te Takenga: Jiangsu, Haina Ingoa Waitohu: Kangjinchen Tauira Tauira: KJC-1103 Momo Disinfecting: EOS Properties: Nga Taonga Hauora me te Rahi: L paerewa pakeke Stock: Ae Shelf Life: 5 tau Rauemi: Kounga hauora PVC Tiwhikete Kounga : ce Whakaraupapa taputapu: Class I Paerewa haumaru: Kore he tae: matomato/ma Tiwhikete: CE/ISO13485 Sterile: EO Gas Sterile Tubing roa: 2.0/2.1m Whakaahuatanga Hua Oxyg Disposable...
  • Maaka Oxygen Disposable With Tubing

    Maaka Oxygen Disposable With Tubing

    Tirohanga Nga Taipitopito Tere Wahi o te Takenga: Jiangsu, Haina Ingoa Waitohu: Kangjinchen Tauira Tauira: KJC-1101 Disinfecting Momo: EOS Properties: Nga Taonga Hauora & Nga Taonga Rahi: L Paerewa Pakeke: Ae Shelf Life: 5 tau Rauemi: Kounga hauora PVC Tiwhikete Kounga : ce Whakaraupapa taputapu: Class I Paerewa haumaru: Kore he tae: matomato/ma Tiwhikete: CE/ISO13485 Sterile: EO Gas Sterile Tubing roa: 2.0/2.1m Whakaahuatanga Hua Oxyg Disposable...